Bach Scoring Academy

Bach Scoring Academy

Golf Tips, Videos to Improve Your Golf Short Game by Tom Bach, PGA

Welcome to the Bach Scoring Academy located at the state-of-the-art facilities of Heatherwoode Golf Club in Springboro, Ohio.  Whether you’re a beginner golfer or a seasoned pro, Tom Bach, PGA can get your golf game where you want it to be.

Tom Bach, PGA is widely regarded as one of Southern Ohio’s most accomplished short game coach.  Tom combines the latest short game technologies with his unique personal experience to deliver easy to understand and proven teaching methods.  

In the section below, Tom has created “Tom’s Tips” which are a number of free short game videos to help your game.  If you have an idea for an edition of “Tom’s Tips”, please contact Tom and let him know!

When you are ready to take your game to the next level, sign up for your own private or group lesson by using the buttons below!

Putting Videos

Putting Distance Control

Having trouble with your distance control on your putts?  In this video I will discuss how to improve your distance control by maintaining your tempo.  The timing and rhythm to your putting stroke is the key to great distance control!

Putting Tempo

Put like a pro by working on the tempo of your stroke!  In this video I use my Blast Motion Sensor to monitor the timing and tempo of my stroke.  Consistent tempo and timing leads to consistent strikes, which leads to holing more putts!

Best Putting Drill Ever!

The gate drill is one that has stood the test of time, without fail this is the one drill you will see tour players doing on a regular basis.  This drill is designed to ensure the player strikes the ball in the middle of the putter face. Add a ball gate to the drill and now you have solid contact with the ball started online.

Focus On The Target When Putting

Most players I work with will say controlling the distance of the putt is more challenging than the direction.

Additionally, players spend more than 75% of the time reading the putt as far as how much it breaks and 25% or less on how hard to hit the putt.

This video shows a great way to master the distance control which will lead to more made putts and fewer three putts.

How to Read Greens

Having trouble reading that putt?  Ever feel like your eyes are playing tricks on you?  Use the tips in the video to get that read right and give yourself a great chance to make that putt.

Chipping Videos


The Chip Putt a simple shot to get the ball close to the hole. This is a great option from a good lie near the edge of the green. Simply use your putting motion with any club from a 7 iron to a wedge and watch your accuracy and distance control become great!

Pitching Videos

Greenside Pitching

There are a few key elements to good pitch shots.  In this video I will demonstrate the key elements of the setup.  Once the set up is sound, a solid strike of the ball and you are on your way to lower scores.

20 Yard Pitch Shot

Do you dread that in between shot as you get near the green?  This is a key area of the game that allows you to save par or even make a bridie on a short par five.  In this video I will show you how to hit the shot successfully and get the ball up and down more often.

How to Pitch With the Ball Above and Below Your Feet

In the game of golf, we are faced with many different lies.  Often, we are faced with the ball above or below our feet.  In this video I will discuss how to handle the ball below and above our feet.  How we set up to these shots is the key for success.

Elevate Your Pitching From A Downhill Lie

Many players struggle to hit the ball high from a downhill lie.  In this video I will discuss the key features to master this shot.  Watch this video to learn how to tackle this difficult shot and see your scores go down.

The Dreaded Half Swing

Master your pitching motion!  In this video I will discuss the core fundamentals of pitching from around 30 yards.  Proper setup and rotation through the shot will get you striking the ball cleanly and giving you a chance to get it up and down and shave strokes off your score.

Bunker Shot Videos

Bunker Shots

There are a few key elements to good bunker play.  A good setup allows the player to make a consistent swing and is the foundation for a quality shot.  From there splash the sand and you are on your way to lower scores!